How to Handle Any Type of Pest

Why Your Pest Control Methods Might Be Ineffective

DIY pest control measures might work for lower pest infestation levels or specific pests. However, if you've realised that your efforts are not successful, you're most likely not doing it correctly.

Effective pest control is a step-by-step process, so you're probably not getting the desired results because you're not following these steps. Here are the steps that pest control experts use to rid a premise of pests completely.

Inspecting and Assessing

Carrying out pest inspection and assessment requires knowledge and expertise. How so? The chances are high that you discovered a pest infestation by spotting the pests or noticing the damage caused by them. This is not enough because it does not inform you of the level of infestation and where or how to apply pest control treatments.

A pest control specialist will inspect and assess your premises, keeping in mind pest behaviour and how fixtures, activities, structures, and the environment may contribute to or encourage pest survival. Without this knowledge, your DIY pest control measures may have already failed before you even start applying them.

Clearing, Cleaning, and Organising

Before experts apply pest control treatments, they will first clean and organise the premises. What does this entail? 

Pests usually love making habitats in dirty and undisturbed places. Therefore, the next step is usually to clear up rubbish heaps and dispose of any old or unused items in an environmentally friendly way. After this is completed, the premises is tidied up, which could involve sweeping and mopping where applicable.

Food is also among the things that attract pests. How do you store your food? How do you dispose of food waste? Pest control experts usually recommend storing food in sealable containers and cleaning surfaces as soon as possible when food spills. Likewise, they recommend disposing of waste in sealable garbage bins, which should be emptied and cleaned regularly. The disposal area should also be kept clean so that pests lack food sources. 

Applying Pest Control Treatments

Completing the two steps above gives pest control treatment a higher probability of working effectively. However, you still need some knowledge, as indicated earlier. 

Understanding pest behaviour and the best pest control treatments for that particular pest is crucial. Why? Of course, you need to apply pest control treatments in areas where the pest makes habitats and where they are likely to move along. Additionally, you need to use quality products you're confident will do the job effectively. 

This shows you that knowledge is essential when trying to rid your premises of pests. If you find it difficult following the steps above, it's probably wise to contact a pest control specialist.