How to Handle Any Type of Pest

Rat Control: A Guide

Rat control is the process of eliminating rats from an area using a variety of methods. Rat control can be done by poisoning, trapping and killing rats or using rat repellents to drive them away. The methods are usually applied in different combinations with varying levels of success in order to remove all rats from an area. Here, we look at each method in more detail.


Poisoning rats is probably the most common way of controlling an infestation. Poisoned foods that attract non-target species should not be used for rats as these foods can cause harm to other animals, such as cats and dogs that may also eat them.

Poison baits may be placed near areas where rats are likely to eat them, such as in corners or behind containers. The bait must be placed in areas that the rats can reach. Another alternative is to place poison in areas where rats are known to enter, such as behind insulation boards or at entry points that are easy for rats to cross, such as ventilation holes.

Trapping and killing 

Traps are often placed near the likely places that rats enter their habitat. The rat may have to squeeze in order to reach the bait inside the trap. The traps may be small and secluded, such as a hole in the wall that can only be accessed from above or below. Traps are usually baited with food, but some traps can be used as poison stations. In this case, the trap is set in the same way as a poison trap. Some traps make use of a door that locks the rat inside. Others make use of a power glue in which the rat's feet become stuck.

Rat repellents 

The purpose of a rat repellent is to make it harder for rats to live in an area. This can be done by placing materials that are unpleasant smelling and/or taste bad near their habitat or entry points. 

Repellents can be used when there is a small number of rats in an area. However, they are generally ineffective against infestations as the rats in the nest will be able to breed at a rate that renders the repellent ineffective. There is also the risk that the repellent will simply drive the rates to another part of your property.

If you would like to find out more, you should contact a local pest control service.